вторник, 8 февраля 2011 г.

Turkmenistan Gets Closer to e-Government

Since the last meeting of Cabinet of Ministers, many ministries, including healthcare and one of internal affairs, have started work on building single database that would have all information about all citizens of Turkmenistan. The ministry of healthcare already started with transforming medical cards into electronic formats, nationwide examinations are conducted for the purpose of blood group database. Ministry of internal affairs (MVD) is working on issuing new passport with biometric and fingerprint data. According to government's plans MVD will have a central database that would contain information about all citizens, standard data but including lists of close relatives, grandparents, their occupation and much more confidential information about them. Many fear that the ministry or government could use it as a powerful tool to persecute dissenters within a country, since it offers unmatched opportunities to mar anyone's life with the speed of light in fiber optic cables.

Some of the asked about this matter however expressed that the project is most likely to stall, since there are no IT specialists and much of the data is received with distortions at the stage of paperwork and gathering information. I would like to think the same, but I doubt that current authoritarian regime will not use e-possibilities to tighten the grip of its iron hand on the neck of Turkmenistan's people, unless their greed will overweight the desire to control everyone and everywhere, just as in Orwell's famous book.

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